Saturday, October 8, 2016

=Factors that contributed to Success and Failure of Steve Jobs as a Technopreneur=

 Who is Steve Jobs?

Steven Paul “Steve” Jobs was the co-founder, chairman and chief executive officer of Apple Inc. He is one of a kind, ultimate businessman and has a great mind. With his charisma, he was the innovator of the personal computers evolution and known to be the most influence technopreneur.
Jobs started his works in a garage together with his friend Steve Wozniak and others. You cannot believe it that Jobs have come so far, from a little business to a bigger one. He is very successful with his business because of his philosophy in life. Many admire Steve Jobs because of his works and his creativeness.   In this success, there are factors that contributed his triumph or his victory that what he had now.
First and foremost, the main factors that Steve Jobs has contributed to be a technopreneur help him to be successful in his life. He never quit because for him to quit is not a word for him. The success that he had now, his Apple Company is his biggest price for his life. These factors of being smart, the passion and the will be power helps him to think new ideas and create new things for he is a great man and truly the man who believes in himself that great things will be done when you believe in yourself.

The following Success and Failure Factor that Steve Jobs Contributed :


The First factors is being smart. Steve has a great mind where he can think easily of new ideas and create new things. With his thinking capacity in many aspects for computers, Steve did a great job. In his innovatively with the technology, he pursues things that so easy. He always thinks easily all the possible things and he never think negatively and he does not believe with impossible. Steve only thinks positive, because of being an optimistic he defeat anyone and always be on top. Steve great mind and of being smart made his creations in reality. Also, because he never quits in exploring and with his skills and talents, Steve will always be the best.

The second factor is being passioned. Steve loves in doing things that deal with what he is fond of. He is fond of exploring, learning new things and understands very well the difficulty of such things. What makes Steve Jobs very successful is, because of his passion or his desire in dealing with technology, he is enjoying all the things he wanted to do. Steve does not mind with his future but he just wants to change the world. With his ideas and together with his friends, he created the Apple as his business. The intention of his business is on revolutionizing the personal computing. Wozniak, his friend, and others is determined in the ideas and concepts of the purpose of the Apple Company. Steve and friends put forth on what they are doing and on what they want to achieve. They really strive hard for the success of what they have now. The passion of Steve Jobs brings him to be more creative and pioneering his career of loving technology. With his passion, he pushes himself to keep on moving and exert more effort to his work and create new technology. Steve Jobs believe that work on what you love and enjoy what you want.

The third factor is will power. Steve Jobs is determined with all his works especially on dealing with what he is doing new technology. The obstacles he had face make him more determined in pursuing things he wanted to do. In his college together with his circuit boards, Steve keeps on learning and experimenting to achieve those goals to create the best technology. Though Stevet has nothing, he never discouraged himself nor dismay because he knows what important is your determination and the will that you can have the ideas to make something great. For him without having anything is not the hindrance on what he has achieved now. He believes that with your willingness on something and exert effort to something will help you to make great things.


The first factor is attitude of Steve Job is also a failure of his life. He should be professional in every way of his life. He never thinks the feelings his co-workers. He is too strict in terms in the work place. A good boss know how to deal to his employee.

The second factor is being high-tempered because he never listen to his employee about what happen, he authomatically fired the employee.

The third factor is his focus on such things. When he created the Macintosh, Jobs forget his old creation which is the Apple II and he gives more importance with the Macintosh. He is very confident and he believes too much in his self that no one can defeat him. With this, he made the reason to fight the two creations and it opens the gate for Bill Gates and friends to steal one of his creation which is the Macintosh.

Steve is still dealing with his ideas and creation. He became successful. He experienced up's and down of life. He never stop creating a wonderful thing that would make him proud.

Monday, September 12, 2016

My purpose in life is to help other people around me specially those who are abandon kids but first I have to help myself for me to earn more money. I would like to touch the life of others and give them hope of life. I'm gonna help them first by prayer all throughout the years. Help them to the have new better life by introducing different business. Teach them how to help others too, And most important thing is to bring them near Jesus Christ our personal savior.

  • I can see myself as entrepreneur of showing a good leadership to my business partners.
  • I can see myself as entrepreneur of showing a good manners to my co-workers.
  • I can see myself as entrepreneur of showing a good personality to my community.
  • I can see myself as entrepreneur of showing a good ability to the people around me.
  • I can see myself as entrepreneur of showing a respect to everyone.
  • I can see myself as entrepreneur of showing a environmental friendly.
  • I can see myself as entrepreneur of showing a environmental friendly.

1.     I have learned that no matter how poor the person is, as long as you have desire to reach your dreams it will come true.
2.     I have learned this "DO NOT GIVE UP!"
3.     I have learned this "DON'T LOSE FAITH, DIG DEEPER"
4.     I have learned that being a student is not just a game "IT IS A CHALLENGE!"

5.     I have learned that broken family is not a hindrance to success.